I've been lazy lately. And don't say, "Lately?". I didn't hike all weekend because it was "too hot". It barely got to 100. By this afternoon I was determined to get outside, even if it was hot. It was only about 93 by the time I parked the truck, though.
I went out to Bulldog Canyon. When I was just about to the place I was going to park, I spotted a large lizard up ahead, furiously doing push ups. I decided I had better take a couple of pictures through the windshield in case opening the door scared him away. It was in a pretty shady spot, and he was doing push ups pretty fast, so the pictures are blurred. Of course, he did run off when I opened the door.
There's a pretty, rocky mountain ridge where I parked. I was tempted to take a picture, but I have hundreds of pictures of it. I decided to just go sit on it. When I got up there, I decided to take some pictures of myself sitting there not taking picture. I set up the intervalometer to take a picture every minute. The first one is when I started it.
Then I got in the picture. When I use the timer to get pictures of myself, I usually don't have time to get in position. These are a minute apart, so I didn't know when the camera was going to take a picture.
I tried counting to 60 and posing at the right time. My eyes were drying out. ...64, 65, 66, what the heck, I gotta blink.
I was almost ready for this one. I forgot about this being the pair of jeans that are really worn out.
I can't count to 60 with these gnats distracting me.
Speaking of gnats, there's one in my nose now!
Working at avoiding dehydration results in other situations. Actually I'm just enjoying the scenery.
Then I got a phone call.
There are lots of sharp things in the desert. Seconds before this picture was taken, a humming bird was hovering in front of me, looking like it was trying to decide if I was a big, ugly flower. I wish it had hung around for a few more seconds.
43, 44, what's that over there? 56, elebenty 23, huh? where was I? CLICK.
I think that was the last picture. CLICK.
It's just darn difficult to get pictures of some people. Even if any of these had turned out OK, it was too late in the day and everything but the sky is red. Oh, well, I'll try again some day.