Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oops, already been there

On Wednesday, not only was I caught up on my chores around the house, but I also got home from work in time to go for a hike. I headed towards Canyon Lake, not too sure where I would go. I picked a place to park and wandered off. When I started out, I was thinking that I was headed up a canyon I hadn't explored before and wondered why I hadn't. Before too long, though, it started to look familiar.

I was sure I had seen this before.

I had been up there about a year ago. I had carefully planned that hike. I went up there because I wanted to get pictures of the view to the east. Once I realized I had been there before, I lost interest in doing a lot of climbing. After all, I was already getting tired.

Ocotillo with flowers.

Instead of continuing to climb, I decided to get some pictures of the flowers. There don't seem to be a lot this year. I've seen hardly any blue lupines or Mexican gold poppies. There are some pretty ones, though.

There are going to be some nice agave flowers soon. I need to get some pictures of those this year.

Ocotillo flowers.

The first prickly pear flower I've seen this year.

Maybe I should hang a map on the wall and draw all of my hikes on it. You'd think I'd be able to use all the pictures I have on Google Earth for that purpose, but the ones I took up there before don't seem to be on Google Earth. Some day when I'm feeling energetic I'll search through my Panoramio pictures to see if I've uploaded any of that area. For now, click below to see the pictures from Wednesday.


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