There's a ridge in Bulldog Canyon that I've been trying to get to the top of for several months now. I made several attempts in the summer and managed to get up on one end of it. I never made it to the top near the middle. I had always tried to climb the eastern side of the ridge. That's because that is the side that's in the shade in the afternoon. It's very steep. I always ran into places where I was blocked by a cliff, or where a slip on the steep part would have sent me over a cliff. Also, it wasn't easy driving to the places I started climbing. Very rough, very steep. Even with the axle locked it would take 2 or 3 attempts to get up some parts of that road.
On Thursday, I drove through Bulldog Canyon and went along the western side of the ridge. I decided that I might be able to get on top from that side, and it's cool enough now to do that. So today I headed up the western side. My foot isn't 100% yet so I thought I would just scout out the first part of the route. It was so easy, though, I went all the way to the top. It's cool being on that ridge, with cliffs and spectacular scenery on both sides of you. Click below to open a new window with the pictures.
The first picture shows part of the ridge. On the right side of the picture is a notch in the ridge. It's hard to see because of the mountains behind it. I headed for the notch. I had tried to get to the same notch from the other side, but it was just too steep. I eventually reached the top of the yellow cliffs on the left side of the picture.
The first part of the hike was the most worrisome. The road near there is in the bottom of a wash. I parked in a wide part of the wash. I was walking toward the notch and realized that I was in a large, "flat" area (flat except for the washes cutting through it, which you couldn't tell were there until you almost fell into them). I was a little worried about being able to find my way back to the truck. There weren't any trails to follow. I stopped a few times to look at the mountains around me so I would be able to find my way back. I hoped I would be able to see the truck from the ridge, too, so I could confirm my memory and make further notes of the surrounding topography.
The next picture is a kind of rock I've found in lots of places around here. I thought it might be quartz, but it was too smooth. I finally found out (at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, see link at right) that it's Smithsonite.
Next is a view of a butte that I would soon be looking down upon from above. Next is a picture I took up on the ridge. It's a couple of barrel cacti demonstrating how they lean to the south until they fall over. Next is a rock with some Smithsonite embedded in it.
I'm sorry, but I just had to include a picture that has my truck in it. That's my hand at the top of the picture, keeping the sun out of the lens. I'll give you a hint. The truck is parked on the right side of the wash. You might also notice a road on the far side of the wash and parallel to it for a while, then heading west. That road is a shortcut into and out of this part of the OHV area. I've succeeded in going west on that road 4 times out of 6 tries. To get out of the wash and go west, you have to get up a steep, rough piece of road. On two occassions I wasn't able to do anything but spin my tires. The last two times (today and Thursday), it was easy. I have never succeeded in going east on that road. In fact, going down the steep part heading wast is a little scary and the truck always slides some. No danger of flipping, though. Today on the steep downhill part I noticed some tracks that almost went off the road. I think some people take that hill a little too fast.
The next picture is of the mountains to the east of the ridge. I think the peak near the center is Dome Mountain. I want to climb up there some day. I guess I had better do it soon, before it gets too hot. Next is that butte I said I would be looking down on. In the background is the Fountains Hills fountain. I read that a couple of the pump motors are being repaired, so it isn't at its maximum height.
Then there are a couple of pictures of the ridge. I included some clouds, and I don't usually do that, especially the high, thin ones. These looked OK, though.
The sunset was beautiful. I was driving out, though, and wasn't in a good position to get good pictures. I've included one shot I made out the window.