Sunday, November 12, 2006

A hike near FR80 (close to Apache Lake)

I decided to try hiking in the middle of the day today. It was in the low 70's. There was a little too much sunshine for me, though. Click below to see all of the pictures.

The first picture shows a narrow canyon with a big rock wedged in the top. I wanted to hike down that canyon but it starts off with a big pouroff that I couldn't get past. Well, I could have gotten down to the bottom, but then there was another big pouroff just a little further downstream. Click here to see a video of the pouroff.

I hiked along the top of the canyon for a little ways. I stopped because it was about to get dangerous. I don't hike somewhere that if I fell and slid or rolled a little ways, I would fall off a cliff. It was getting steep along the side of the canyon. Click here to see a video of the cliff I could have fallen off of.

I seem to have trouble getting good pictures when the sun is so high. There are a couple of others on the web page but I don't like the way they turned out. There's also a picture of an Elmo baloon that I found tangled up in a cholla out there. That reminds me, I need to get a bunch of beer bottles and cans out of the back of my truck.

This was the first time I used my new backpack. For years I've used one of Kyle's old school backpacks. I didn't want anything fancy, and I kind of liked the stick figure break dancers that Kyle had drawn on it. They look like the petroglyphs in Hieroglyphic Canyon. But I was in a sporting goods store a couple of weeks ago and looked at backpacks. They had a stiffener in them that would keep them from rolling up when full of water bottles, gold ore, or whatever. They also are designed to keep your back from getting so hot. I decided I needed one but they were $40 to $90, which seems rediculous for a backpack. Well, yesterday I happened to be on Power road (long sad story) and decided to check out the backpacks at Big 5. They had a bunch on sale for half price. I got a fancy Nike backpack for $20. It has pockets and zippers and cubby holes all over the place. I'm going to loose stuff in there. It has stiff mesh on the part that's against your back so that air can circulate. It works, too. My back didn't get soaked like it usually does. Sometimes the old tried and true things work, but sometimes the fancy schmancy new stuff is good, too.


Anonymous said...

What's the long sad story about being on Power Rd?

Unknown said...

Actually, it's more of an annoying story. I had to make two return trips to the place where I bought tires for my truck (Discount Tire) to get the wheels balanced. They pressure balanced them last time, which means they simulated road pressure while balancing them. Seems to have worked, but it takes a few days to know for sure. I don't like spending so much time doing something that shouldn't need to be done. I'm not so impressed with Yokohama tires anymore.