Saturday, June 06, 2009

Clouds and holes

On Wednesday I went grocery shopping at wally world. I had noticed some unusual clouds on the way home from work and as I walked from truck to the store, they reminded me of lenticular clouds. Since I don't usually take my camera with me when I go grocery shopping, I called Skid and told him to go outside and get some pictures of the clouds. Surprisingly, he did. As I left the store, the clouds were still there and had a pink tint from the setting sun. I called Skid and told him to take some more pictures. It was really nice of him to take pictures of them for me, but he didn't know what I found interesting about them, so he didn't take the same kinds of pictures I would have. There were a couple of interesting things about these clouds, which are probably related. First of all, they were there for hours, in the same place. Secondly, they looked like lenticular clouds, which would stay in the same place if that's what they were.

It was really cool yesterday. I think the high was around 95. There was also a nice breeze. Interestingly, the clouds that stayed in the same place were back. I headed out to Bulldog Canyon, hoping I could get some pictures.

A lenticular cloud? It looks like it might be over Four Peaks, but I can't tell.

It stayed in the same place most of the time that I was out there.

I noticed something else interesting over the past few days. Lots of holes have been showing up in the desert. These are new holes. What's interesting about them is that the dirt that was removed to make them is not piled up around them.

Holes with no dirt piled around them.

Here there are several holes, with a pile of dirt nearby.

It looks like whatever digs the holes piles the dirt someplace else. I wonder if that is so the hole will be less conspicuous. I don't know what digs these holes. I did see a lizard on top of one pile of dirt, but I don't know if it had anything to do with putting it there.

There were a lot of other clouds around, too.

I'll have to keep an eye out for those clouds in the future and see what conditions cause them to show up. I also need to try to figure out where they are. It's almost impossible to tell how far away they are, so there's no telling what they are over. Click below to see all of the pictures.


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