Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yet another hike in Bulldog Canyon

I really like Bulldog Canyon OHV area. It's close, it's quiet, and it's beautiful. Several times today I just stopped and listened to the gnats buzz and a few birds twittering off in the distance. Pictures are here.

In the first picture, I was trying to get Lauren in the picture, but she was trying to get out of the way. She got too close to that cholla behind her. That's why she's grimacing.

The second picture is almost a silhouette of Lauren perched on a rock. The third is about the 53rd picture I've taken of that mountain, but it's the first from that particular angle.

The last picture is included for its humorous content. You're not laughing. Look closely. You're still not laughing. Well, I guess it isn't that funny. I should have tried to find a more appropriate cactus on which to put them.

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