Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sunset at the end of Meridian Road

It was a beautiful day today. I had to get out in the desert after work. I couldn't go far, though. The sun sets pretty early these days. I went to the end of Meridian road to watch the sunset. I took a lot of pictures with the plan to put a well-documented trip on @trip. If I can get a gold star for every second or third trip I put on there, I'll never run out of web space for trips.

It was not a remarkable hike. Short and quick. It was kind of cool out there. I was wearing a T-shirt. I was warm from hiking but my arms were cold and getting stiff so that it was hard to mess with the camera. It's time to find a sweatshirt to keep in my backpack.

The pictures I put on the web album are not all the same as the pictures I put in the trip. They serve different purposes, so I put different pictures on each, so you have to look at both. Sorry.


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