Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Arizona sunset

Sweetums and I went for a ride after work today. We stopped in Tortilla Flat and got ice cream cones. Then we continued on east for a few miles and stopped to watch the sunset. There were a lot of mosquitoes out there. I think one landed on my camera lens for several pictures. At least I hope that's what that smudge in the corner of some of the pictures is.

I ordered a Canon UV filter to protect the new lens but it hasn't arrived, yet. I would like to get a polarizing filter, but Canon's 72mm polarizing filter is about $230. That rattling noise you hear is my severely boggled mind. Maybe I'll just put a $20 one on there and see how bad it is. I've heard of people using Polaroid sunglasses, but I was never able to get that to work.

That reminds me of something Skid and I discovered about a year ago. Don't put a UV filter and a polarizing filter on your lens at the same time. It really messes up the resolution. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I use cheap filters.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

mmm... that's the first thing I wanna do when I move out there. Drive thru Tortilla Flat and get some ice cream cones! I CAN'T WAIT! =D