Saturday, April 18, 2009

Curses, foiled again

Remember Snidely Whiplash? Never mind.

I made another attempt to get to that canyon today. I thought I'd try a route near the river, hoping I wouldn't have to go up and down as many hills or washes. It was flatter. I made pretty good time for most of the way, maybe because I wasn't taking near as many pictures.

The Salt River

Somebody had a coral down here.

The view along the way.

I was trying to keep from getting too close to the river, mostly because of bugs. They seem to hang around in damp places. I finally got to a point where I either had to push through bushes and trees by the river or climb over a large hill. I didn't want to do either of those. I started back to the truck but the decided to follow the river for a while. It was pretty buggy down there. Also, there's a lot of soft sand, which makes walking very difficult. On the plus side, it's pretty down there.

The Salt River

Red winged blackbird

Next time, I think I'll follow along the river a little further. The foliage thins out there and I might be able to get to the canyon.


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